️⭐️️️ If you are feeling drained or burdened from helping, it is more than likely because you're going about it with the energy of fear. To make helping more energizing, uplifting, or elevating, you'd want to choose the energy of love.
🔔 In this video, I share how to become a "conscious" helper. Most of us are unconscious helpers, and we tend to choose fear-based helping or "pleasing." When we lead our thoughts, emotions, and actions consciously, we tend to choose love-based helping or "service."
🔥 To choose service over pleasing is to choose love over fear. Watch the video to discover more about this process.
📖 To read more about how conscious leadership can help you align with love and not fear, be sure to check out my book on Amazon: “Unlock Your Conscious Leadership. Liberate Your Four Key Parts: Mind - Heart - Body - Talent.” https://amzn.to/3dM1zy3